Space Planning and Software Management for Post Pandemic Workspace

Workspace management software has been helping companies streamline business processes and maximize their work environments for years. Prior to the pandemic, companies were looking to gear towards greater workplace efficiency and space utilization. Conversely, the current work environment demands a different approach to comply with social distancing. In reality, this change is making companies focus on lowering their space utilization and occupancy to maximize physical distancing.

As employees go back to work, space management software can improve business operations through data management. The software can help reduce workspace density, enhance workplace experiences, control capacity, create procedures to effectively sanitize workspaces, and even assist with contact tracing to make the transition as safe as possible. 

Office Workspace Analysis with Dashboards

Office workplaces often have large areas that go unused. In fact, almost 45% of space within a company office may be vacant, according to a report from IWMS news. 

Companies are now able to use software technology to analyze their space with interactive stacking diagrams. This space planning software allows for floor-by-floor space utilization changes based on actual capacity statistics. These highly interactive programs, like iOffice, create dashboards to analyze real-time insights with all of the data in one place. Space management software also uses algorithms to apply physical distancing protocols to existing layouts and calculate the appropriate capacity.

Reduce Workspace Density By Booking Desk Space

Planning with space management software makes it easier for companies to figure out the right workplace capacity with a safety-first approach. ReRun, a social distancing tool developed by Gensler, provides occupancy options for the returning workforce by evaluating the impact of physical distancing and density in the office. This grants companies to adjust existing workspaces by reducing the number of usable desks. Space planning software allows for assigned seating programs that let users receive notifications of what locations are open or currently full.

Software Management for Workplace Sanitation

Many industries have been using software to manage sanitation programs well before the pandemic. This sanitation software can help prevent the possible spread of infection in office space by managing movement through contact tracing technology software. This lets employers quickly respond to health situations by generating a record of desk usage.

Enhance the Workplace Experience

SpaceIQ offers digital tools to maximize communication and strengthen employee engagement, allowing them to better navigate their buildings and workspaces. In addition, employees can access easy-to-use mobile applications to find peers, book meeting rooms, and enhance employees’ experiences.

Find Your Next Space With Plaza Companies

At Plaza Companies, our goal is to help you find the right space that fits your needs.  We have extensive experience in not only the construction of buildings, but also the building design, brokerage, development, and management for commercial real estate projects. We help you find your next space and show how to effectively use software to improve your workplace. If you are looking for a new work environment, contact us today to find the office space that is right for you!

For assistance, call Plaza Companies at 623.972.1184 or email

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